The Strands of Mathematics!

What are the strands of Mathematics?

If you would like to review the curriculum, please click here.

STRAND ASocial-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills and the Mathematical Processes

These skills include:
  • Problem-Solving
    • An essential set of strategies at the heart of mathematics.
  • Reasoning and Proving
    • Using their understanding of mathematic knowledge, concepts, and skills to justify their thinking.
  • Reflecting
    • Monitoring their thought process before, during, and after solving a problem. It is the thought process of identifying what is working, or not working, when considering different approaches to mathematic problems.
  • Connecting
    • How students see the knowledge, concepts, and skills from one strand are related to another. The more connections that students make to their learning: the deeper their understanding.
  • Communicating
    • Another essential process at the heart of mathematical thinking. Students are communicating for different audiences and purposes using oral, written, visual, or gestural communication.
  • Representing
    • Representing mathematical ideas and relationships in modelled situations using tools, pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables, numbers, words, and symbols to support, validate, and reflect on the representations of their learning.
  • Selecting Tools and Strategies
    • Developing their ability to select appropriate technology, tools, and strategies that support their learning and perform mathematical tasks, investigate ideas, and solve problems.


Students are working with numbers up to 1,000 and learning how to break down numbers in different ways using operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

At Home: Play counting games, use flashcards, and involve your child in tasks like shopping and cooking to practice math skills.


Students are learning to identify, describe, and discover patterns and are beginning to work with simple equations. In this strand, we are also writing code to perform a repeating operation.

At Home: Create patterns with household items and introduce simple math problems as they present themselves. Let your child take the lead and see their solutions!


Students are learning about ways to collect, organize, display, and interpret data using larger numbers. 

At Home: Come up with some fun ways to track family activities and create charts together to interpret the data.

STRAND ESpatial Sense

Students are learning to understand shapes, measurements, and geometry. Additionally, learning how to tell time on digital and analog clocks.

At Home: Building with blocks, drawing shapes, measuring objects around the house, and practicing reading both types of clocks.

STRAND FFinancial Literacy

Students are learning about money, budgeting, and making financial decisions.

At Home: Teach the value of money by involving your child in shopping and saving activities. Next time you go to the store, give them a budget to practice!


Here are some links for you to visit, view, and use!

TVO Learn (Grade 3 Math here)

ABC YA Math Games

Math Playground

Everyday Mathematics


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